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I have started up a new game called Zekken.. You control the character, who is from the first living race on their planet, Rojin. Rojin were killed out as a meteor struck bringing new life such as the Shin Sodo. Now the Rojin are living in a single village in Edo Tokyo. The Shin Sodo has begun a civil war. Your actions decide your characters appearence, magic, and how the story plays out. If sequals were to happen, there would be one for both Endings of the previous one. Like Zekken 2: Evil or Zekken 2: Good or what ever.

Fantasy Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Suggestive Themes
Simulated Gambling

Zekken is delayed

I am having some problems with the game so it will be put on hold for a while.

Zekken 5% done, beta is availiable

I have the very beggining of the story and all the weapons done(but u cant get them all yet) so I opened up the first BETA.