Five Nights at Morilix07's

1 year ago


                           Discord Server Announcement

The day has finally arrived. I am proud to announce that I've made my very own Discord server for all to enjoy!

Our introduction video:

Now with our introduction video done you maybe having questions about my server. No problem we've got a list of questions you maybe having:

  • What is this Server about?

    This server is about my games, News about my games, My art, Stuff I did on games, Heck even about other people's projects that they showcase themselves!

  • What can I post here?

    You can post a lot of stuff like ort, Memes, Ideas, Or even posts showcasing your games!

  • What else I can do?
    Well you can talk to others, Participate on events, Give feedback for the server, See exclusive content, Hang around and more!

  • What's on this server?

    Well mostly art and games. Only one way to find out tho. You know what to do.

  • Is there roles?

    Yes there is! As of currently they are 5 assessable roles in total: Garry's Mod, Game Dev, Composer, Artist, and Playtester. You can only get these roles if you are working on one of my games. Please give out role ideas too! Love some feedback.

  • Is there FNiA?


  • Will there be events?

    Yes 100% sometime in the future. I'm not sure what the future events gonna be but I'll think of one eventually.

  • How do I apply for a moderator role?

    You can go to this form I've made:

Welp I guess that's all I can tell you without spoiling too much of the server. So whatcha waiting for! Join the server today! If you want to ain't forcing ya. Links in the bottom. Stop reading.




Next up


I drew this should I use it 4 da gaem?

I've heard about what happened today. Game Jolt is collabing with NFTs. Very unacceptable shit. By the day I heard Game Jolt constantly prove they aren't a good platform anymore.

Fun fact: Before the modern version of FNaM's was made me and @therealsayle made a build of FNaM's but I didn't liked it so we decided 2 start from Scratch. Today were going to release that old build :) (Disclaimer: This isn't the finished version)

Me and some others right now confronted Real again about his actions during that time where he sent NSFW to a 12 year old and 3 others including not being remorseful nor taking accountability for his actions.

It's crazy to think that next year I'm going to turn 18. It feels like yesterday that I was 14. Time flies so fast that in a blink of an eye you can miss it. Remember that.

Good job @gamejolt ! Taking down the posts about a groomer being on your site instead of the actual groomer! You deserve a promotion!

Hey y'all I just made this brand smacking new community but I dunno what to do with it lol.