Five Nights at Morilix07's

1 year ago

I learned about sprite folders and there so awesome! :D



Next up

FNaM's office reveal


I'm currently looking for an environment 3D modeler for a secret game!

It might finally be time to give you a purpose, Chum Charlie...

I know your watching @MrFazbear93

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Old version of FNaM's released! Enjoy!

got a new renderer with the help of my homie @Wester , so now everything's gonna look twice as pretty than it was before!! (stuff's gonna be done way quicker too)

Fun fact: Before the modern version of FNaM's was made me and @therealsayle made a build of FNaM's but I didn't liked it so we decided 2 start from Scratch. Today were going to release that old build :) (Disclaimer: This isn't the finished version)