FNaF World: Fixed

3 months ago

1.8.5 Patch notes


This should be the last one, right?


All versions

  • Overworld

    • The damage of 'bad pizza' was not random per enemy. This has been fixed (bug found by @DrKoriacz );

    • Gift boxes no longer get saved after battles (bug found by @DrKoriacz );

    • Prevented enemies from striking while in their death animation (bug found by @DrKoriacz );

    • Patched a very brief red glow that could appear right at the start of a battle;

    • The crow sounds in the halloween backstage no longer persist when leaving the area.



Next up

2.3.4 Patch notes

2.3.2 Patch notes

2.3.0 Patch notes

2.2.1 Patch notes

2.2.5 Patch notes

2.2.2 Patch notes

2.2.0a Patch notes

2.2.3 Patch notes

2.2.4 Patch notes

2.3.1 Patch notes