GameJolt API - Unreal Engine Blueprint Plugin

4 years ago

2.0 Coming | Major Changes | Announcing Utility Plugins

The update 1.8 that should have brought data-storage and an example blueprint (and some other changes) will be discontinued.

Instead, I'm releasing the 2.0 soon that is being written from scratch. The 2.0 will support all API features from the beginning. There won't be any event-binding anymore since the new version is based on asynchronous actions.


This means it will be a lot easier to get started! It will also have a completed documentation for C++ and Blueprint usage from the beginning.

If you need the old API and a data-store feature, feel free to fork the project from GitLab or GitHub. The branch "71-data-storage" contains the current state of development.

We will also release a plugin containing a collection of UMG widgets (login screen, friendlist, ...) based on the 2.0! You can either use them as-is, customize them or just use them as a starting point for your own creations!


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Next up

The First Release Candidate for the Rework is available now!

Download it here or on GitHub:…

Feel free to report bugs, give feedback or request changes!

Plugin Settings are here!

If you want to integrate the GameJolt API with Achievements, Scoreboards and more using Blueprints, feel free to check out my plugin available here on GameJolt

Version 1.2.5 is available now! Be advised: A setup like this is now required! You have to call the IsUserAuthorize / Is User Login before adding scores / reward trophies.

A look into the 'future' (1.7)


i may or may not make an full art of some person or i may just leave this like that-

Fan art for Foolish I'm feeling kinda better so I drew this

Runestones: from concept to in-game model🗿

The whole squad is here!

Interested? Follow me!

Update 2.627

New challenges & new effects!