FNAW Area 51 Edition 0: Site 51 (Non-Profit)

1 year ago

2.0's out. Enjoy the Game lol



Next up


oops forgot about these 2 lol

Look who was inside the attack Drone costume all along, just another mutated entity piloting one of many beasts.

This Comes From Inside.

Btw gonna rework SCP-6269-Virus' animations on camera as well as fix every grammatical issue in the emails. Expect the update to be out by either tomorrow or by week's end.

This post is to let everyone know progress has been going great, I'll be making a devlog about it very soon!

Here's a few teasers for the game to show its not dead lmao, 1.5 will receive new teasers soon.

Redid the Slammaw and Eldraith since the older designs of both of them seem, well to put it lightly, not as good as I hoped they would be compared to when I first made them as Minecraft skins. So Hope you love them lol

Announcements!! Game engines, independence, and Virtual Reality

Happy MAR10 Day :3 (Btw here's every Mario model I've ever done, Not including Beta designs)