1 month ago

2 rooms have been redesigned completely in these days, wich are way better than the previous versions i created in blender in my opinion, but i will not say wich ones hehe



Next up

So guys, i don't want to hide the corridor anymore and now i want to show it with waluigi now!

Here's an article explaining this process:

Here's Lucas Mcroy, i finished making him today, he looks similar to the original. The nose looks too big lol, I should fix it.

Now we're getting close to peak perfection this time! I made the salopette much brighter than before because it was too dark


Hi everyone, here's a state of development of the game (it's doing good btw):


Now it's time for wario for some deluxe renders! Here's a new progress for the lighting but without the blood, i like the folded resized mustache instead of the straight version of those. the next image is an old version of him, it was too dark.


Here's Waluigi with the pose in the corridor of fnaw deluxe, and... even the corridor got redesigned🤫

Hi everyone, here's a quick design of peach similar to fnaw deluxe for the shape of the mouth and for the lighting. The blood and scratch details will be added later after finishing the distorted mouth detail. The mouth is edited in blender