Jaxx Justun Studios Chronicle #7
Episode Seven: Mr. Eyesaur
Chapter Seven: (Eyesaur You, and Eye Sea Them)
(Officially ALL Created on: November 3rd, 2024 - November 6th, 2024)
When I mean by that's here many years on end here, Jax Justun Studios had clearly a massive amounts of histories, backstories (stories of course), lore, and many other parody secrets hidden within many of their official and licensed parody mascots!!!! But many of them had lots of tragic incidents, accidents, and years on end from being develop from their official parody staff workers!!!!! However though, not every parody mascot was all created from strange and official computers, machines, or just any other parody-like creations in general here!!! Even the same as for official 3D printers and everything!!!! Nearly almost every single or just a few parody mascots/characters of Jax Justun Studios were official created all hand-made by none other then Nave Jonnson, the official creator and owner of Jax Justun Studios himself!!!!! First one being Tangled from May 13th, 1934 through September 13th, 1987, then second one right here as we are talking about it right now!!!!
(Official Link to Mr. Eyesaur's Appearances)
(Mr. Eyesaur's First Official Appearance: https://gamejolt.com/p/created-on-january-14th-2024-jan-15th-2024-jan-16th-2024-scyrfyh7) **Alongside with LED's (Lord Ender Dragon's) First Appearance!!! Plus a little bit of Parody Bonus Content!!!!**
(Mr. Eyesaur's Second Official Appearance: https://gamejolt.com/p/2018-parody-character-7-mr-eyesaur-created-on-january-14th-2-ntkstxfn)

He may be like a monster on the outsides, but in his insides, he is still a true and loveable parody friend in heart!!!! And that friendly and positive monstrosity's none other then "The Blue Eyesaur", as it was first named as being it's true prototype parody form first created way back on November 23rd, 1987!!!!! Hold on a minute, he did had an official and actual name once though!!! His official name's none other then "Starr Gassketar"!!!! Wait??? That's not right here!!!! OH!!! YES!!! This is none other then "Jingerroono"!!!! Wait??? That's not the official name either???? OH!!! Was it "HessteredBell"??? Or was it "Fester Wyld"???? HEY!!! Maybe it's actually "Lord Eyesaur"????!!?!??!!!! WHAT!?!??!!! Those Aren't right/correct either??? How.....How many times did this name changed for this official #7thParodyMascot here in Jax Justun Studios????? Oh, duh!!! It's got to be his official SCP/Prisoner name right???? NO!!!!! Was it supposed to be "Mr. Bluesarus The Great"????? NOOOOO!!!! Then who is this then people!?!??!!!
REALLY!!!! It's officially "Mr. Eyesaur"!!!! YES!!! That is it people!!!!! That's the official name of this #7thParodyMascot here for the #FirstSeriesOf2018 of Jax Justun Studios!!!!!! WOW!!!! Looks like Mr. Eyesaur here had way more parody developments and behind the scenes and everything since his first debuts back in the late 1980s through the early 1990s and everything!!!!!!!! Mr. Eyesaur and the rest of parody mascots and parody cameo mascots of Jax Justun Studios each have their own parody details, stories, and personalities!!!!! And that's how this makes Jax Justun Studios here all positively unique inside!!!!! Join us here and now, as we all explore everything about the wonder and positive parodies and worlds among the Jax Justun Studios Chronicles Series!!!!! A parody-like ARG kind of series as we all explore the parody secrets and histories about the seventh parody mascot of Jax Justun Studios known as "Mr. Eyesaur"!!!! The official second to last hand-made parody mascot created by none other then Nave Jonnson, the owner and creator of Jax Justun Studios!!!!
(Official Link to Mr. Eyesaur's Parody Bio Poster Location: https://gamejolt.com/p/jjs-parody-bio-poster-7-for-mr-eyesaur-created-on-october-zuurwj6z)
(Official Link to Mr. Eyesaur's Parody #JJSdepiction Location: https://gamejolt.com/p/jjs-parody-depiction-7-for-mr-eyesaur-created-on-august-23rd-hpeasunq)

Being in very long development phase for nearly five whole long years at this point, Nave Jonnson wants to expand his parody creativities and ideas more and more!!!!! He wanted to create more and more hand-made parody mascots of his very own and personal hospitalities!!! Mostly because being avoided from many controversial events and chaotic destructions!!!!! Mostly being from the non-parody hand-made parody mascots of course!!!! Anyways, all that happening of course, around on November 23rd, 2024, a few months after Tangled was created, Nave Jonnson had started to get to work on his next and official hand-made parody mascot, all based around actual Sealife and Marine Life parody traits!!! He'd called it as "The Blue Eyesaur"!!!!! A strange-like animatronical parody mascot that's based around life among many oceanic parody materials!!!! Which means based around talking about life all over the ocean depts!!!!
Creating and modeling its entire body though's a longer story, because everything that was created for Tangled's official body was all made from hand-made human materials, such as cardboard cutouts and wires for the skeleton, a few metal pieces for the tail, feet, and hands, and of course, an actual horn and pinball balls for the head!!! YES!!! Let us not forget about the colors and paint buckets of course!!!! So instead, Nave Jonnson decided to visit an old high school of his that his great-grandfather "Feleton Jay Jonnson" and #13th great-grandmother "Jaylaw Frink Jonnson" use to work at, known as "Ferrassic High School"!!!! So on November 28th, 1987, Nave Jonnson had visit the old high school while he was talking to one of his old college classmates, and while that was happening, Nave Jonnson had discovered some aqua-blue hand-made body, which was originally for the old parody high school homecoming mascot known as "Lord Eyesaur"!!!!!! An official scrapped parody mascot that gotten lots of hate-ness over the past three decades from Ferrassic High School!!!!!
Nave Jonnson kind of guess all of that of why that name and half of that body was scrapped around back on April 22nd, 1979 because of some massive flaws and everything!!!! Which that explains why that Nave Jonnson renamed his second official parody hand-made mascot The Blue Eyesaur into "Lord Eyesaur" because he wanted to keep the original parody school spirits alive and more wealthy for his old high school and everything!!!! So then, Nave Jonnson bought the remains of that parody mascot's body for at least at $550,000, and will use it for his brand new and official second hand-made parody mascot of Jax Justun Studios!!!!! But wait a minute here???? That's of course, only the entire torso of the parody high school mascot's body!!!! Where on earth did the entire head for it go???? Guess some other parody-like company must've gotten it already and paid like another $550,000 of it!!!!

Anyways, fast forward until March 26th, 1989, and Nave Jonnson had decided to create his official and second hand-made parody mascot's head all by himself!!!!! He would of course, not only called and code named its head as "Starr Gassketar", but also for the entire torso of the body that's all now connected to the robotic body parts along with it as well too!!!! Man!!! That's a lot to say all at once from just one massive sentence or just a shorter one I guess. The reason why that he'd renamed his entire second parody hand-made mascot to Starr Gassketar now was because the name Starr Gassketar was actually based on a story about a strange parody-like creature named Starr Gassketar that had lots of eyes for an entire face!!!!! That's why Nave Jonnson created a head that was made out of so many eyeballs, and the eyeballs were all made out of paper mache, spray paint for the colors, and of course, harden gray and white clay!!! Better known as both stoneware and polymer clay!!!
And yes!!! Wires, sticks, and toothpicks were also used for the head in order to stick all of the eyeballs into one place to another!!!!! The tail and hands were also slightly altered a little bit, so it'll be a lot more realistic then Nave Jonnson thought it would like from the books about Starr Gassketar!!!! And finally around on May 21st, 1990, good old "Mr. Eyesaur", originally named as Starr Gassketar was finally born!!!!! However though, for no reason whatsoever here, around on September 17th, 1990, people all over the world started to named Starr Gassketar as in like, "Mr. Bluesarus The Great" because of course, it's literally like a dinosaur, but it's all blue with many eyeballs as its face/head!!!!! So then of course, on November 29th, 1990, Nave Jonnson would then of course, renamed Starr Gassketar now into "Mr. Bluesarus The Great"!!!!! But that named wasn't fitting in so welly with this official parody mascot here!!!! And of course, on October 21st, 1992, not only that the parts of the legs, feet, and tail were slightly altered a bit more and everything, but Mr. Bluesarus The Great would also then renamed as "Mr. Eyesaur", which is the name and official #7thParodyMascot of Jax Justun Studios that we all know and love today!!!!
But then again. there was of course, so much chaotic-ness happening with Mr. Eyesaur!!!! Remember what had happened with Tangled??? Well, apparently, Mr. Eyesaur had the exact same old bad parody treatments as well, but they were a lot more worst then the ones from Tangled and everything!!!! Around on April 9th, 1993, many of Mr. Eyesaur's official parody merch were all seen hidden all over both South and North America as of course, many strange and interesting rituals!!!! And yes, we'd kind of forgotten that Mr. Eyesaur had lots of official parody merch and everything!!!! But that's not important right now, but what's indeed important was that the first strange parody ritual was found at "Saint. Lowrings Watering Lakehole", where the parody ritual has an official jumbo Mr. Eyesaur plushie all wrapped up in the middle of the waterfall right next to the pool inside of the "Saint. Lowrings's Spa Pool Party Plaza"!!!
Then the next day on April 10th, 1993, another parody ritual was found at some nearby golfing course at "Jingerroono Golf Zinni Puff", where the parody ritual was all flooded with official and unlimited Mr. Eyesaur action figures, 200 to 7,000 of them all laying down in weird and strange patterns, all covered up with actual blood stains all over them!!!!! Then a few days later, on April 20th, 1993, another parody ritual of Mr. Eyesaur was then spotted at "HessteredBell Tech. High School", where the parody ritual itself was all covered chewed up Mr. Eyesaur modeled-like parody school supplies and clothing which was all over the place, alongside with some strange and weird symbols all drawn with blood stains and scratch marks, and an official Mr. Eyesaur commercial playing nearly almost all TVs all over the high school!!!!!! Because of all of that, all of those three locations that had to parody-like rituals had to be shut down temporally and everything!!!! Saint. Lowrings Watering Lakehole for two in a half months, Jingerroono Golf Zinni Puff for five months, and HessteredBell Tech. High School for nearly two whole years!!!!
And you all know about the other terrible moments with Mr. Eyesaur and everything, right??? From the Christmas photos having many pictures Mr. Eyesaur all covered with lots of black and red marks all over them, from seeing statues of Mr. Eyesaur all torn apart and destroyed with graffiti, and from seeing pictures of many small and big plushies of Mr. Eyesaur all trapped inside of cages, fish tanks filled with water, and inside of many other kinds of trapped places as well too!!! All seen from December 12th, 1995 through May 27th, 1997!!!! Looks like poor old Mr. Eyesaur had like the most chaos and destruction ever then Tangled had!!!!! And right after Mr. Eyesaur was being attacked and bullied with all of the non-hand-made parody mascots of Jax Justun Studios around on January 31st, 2000, poor old Mr. Eyesaur was put to rest inside of his official prison cell, alongside with best friends Tangled, and Lord Eye Socket (LES)!!!!! But until then, a few years later on August 23rd, 2007, everybody has given Mr. Eyesaur one final chances to live and grow stronger better then ever!!!!!

On August 23rd, 2007, the first redesign for Mr. Eyesaur was originally going to be a purple kangaroo, and his original name was going to be "Jingerroono"!!!!! Named after the official golf course that had one of the strange parody rituals of Mr. Eyesaur, which was originally located their!!!! That official and original model for Mr. Eyesaur would then become one of the official main parody mascots of Haxx Hustun Studios and Napature Science known as "Jangaroo Brack"!!!!! Then on September 3rd, 2009, the second official and original parody design/model and name for Mr. Eyesaur was then changed to yellow-brown anteater named "HessteredBell", named after the official name of that now defuncted HessteredBell Tech. High School!!!!! Where of course, one of the parody rituals of Mr. Eyesaur was originally located!!!!!

Then on June 21st, 2013, both of the official name and parody redesign of Mr. Eyesaur were then changed once again, and the third and original name for Mr. Eyesaur was "Fester Wyld", and his parody redesign was originally going to a vacuum-like snake creature!!!! Which, that's actually the official and second parody redesign/remodel of "Lord Vaccum", the official #9thParodyCharacterMascot from Series Two of 2019 of Jax Justun Studios!!!!! Sadly though, those first and second original redesigns for Mr. Eyesaur were officially scrapped because those official and original redesigns of Mr. Eyesaur were actually stolen parody mascot designs from both Haxx Hustun Studios and Draxx Dustun Studios!!!! Not sure about the third and final original redesign for Mr. Eyesaur though!!! We'll learn more about that one later on!!!!!

But finally though, on October 21st, 2017, Mr. Eyesaur was finally changed into the positive and friendly #7thParodyMascot of Jax Justun Studios that we all know and love today here!!!!! Man, this episode/chapter right here was already long already, we didn't even have the chances to look at all of the unused and scrapped scripts for Mr. Eyesaur and everything!!!! Sadly though, many of those unused and scrapped scripts of Mr. Eyesaur were already lost and never to be found again!!! But the only unused/scrapped script that we have for Mr. Eyesaur was created back on February 20th, 2015!!!! It has said that Mr. Eyesaur was originally going to be official #6thParodyMascot of Jax Justun Studios and was originally the main villain of the original parts of the Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Misadventures at Middle School in: Rise of the Parody Characters of Jax Justun Studios series!!!! But since Tangled was known to be the official #6thParodyMascot and as soon as Lord Ender Dragon (LED) was the main parody cameo villain and everything, that part of that script was of course all scrapped for good!!!! That unused/scrapped script had also said that Mr. Eyesaur was originally going to be part of the official line of parody mascots of Series Two of 2019!!!!!
Due to all of that confusion, that only official script was officially scrapped for good around July 25th, 2016, and of course, the official script was the one that we'd all know about Mr. Eyesaur to this day alone!!!! And July 12th, 2018 was when we finally see what Mr. Eyesaur was all about!!!! Being the official #7thParodyMascot and the second friendliest parody creature of the entire Jax Justun Studios Universe/Community!!!!! As for me with Mr. Eyesaur here, what do I even start with this #7thParodyCharacter right here man???? Mr. Eyesaur was one of the most hardest parody mascots that I'd ever created in my entire life!!! Back in my old days in middle school, I was originally going to create my Mr. Eyesaur with paper originally, but of course, it didn't really look all that great and everything!!! And for some reason, I'd wanted to add some small snakes around his eyeball-ed head!!! Which seemed kind of strange to be honest!!!! Since high school came around though, I'd never even had any chances to create Mr. Eyesaur's official designs on paper because not just from what was happening around that time, but I was of course, just being busy with high school and everything!!!!
Which then finally leads us until January of 2024, which when I'd finally had the chances to create Mr. Eyesaur official parody designs/models all online!!!!! But my goodness, it was very stressful then the one that I had to do with Larr's redesigns!!!!! For Mr. Eyesaur brand new and official parody designs and everything, it took me nearly like three days back in January of 2024 to create Mr. Eyesaur's entire body from start to finish!!!! Even at the time when my parents were out during a party and everything, Mr. Eyesaur official parody designs were all made from nearly five different free online designing websites!!!!! Many Screenshots included!!!!

Just look at this first image here, this was actually an official screenshot that I'd took on Scratch.com from creating Mr. Eyesaur entire head, filled with nearly like 20 to 29 eyeballs in one massive circle here!!!!! Same as for the smaller version here of Mr. Eyesaur's entire torso!!!

Then there's the tail and feet for Mr. Eyesaur!!!!! YEP!!! These are actually official images that I'd made all on Canva.com!!!!! Then of course, I'd then edit these two separate images (plus a few more) on a most recent designing free website that I'd found called Figma.com!!!!! I'd spent hours on end creating official PNGs of these parts of Mr. Eyesaur's official body and everything!!!!!

Then there's the hands, which I'd made only the shape of it on Pixlr.com, and most of the details on Figma.com and Google Drawings!!!!! If that wasn't bad, then of course, comes the hardest parts of it!!! LITTERALLY AND VURTUALLY combing every single individual parts from creating the final parts for Mr. Eyesaur's entire body!!! Here's one of the images of it!!! All combined inside each of every single part of these different images/PNGs of Mr. Eyesaur's entire official parody models!!!

These were all combined just from grouping all of these parts together in one massive image all on Google Drawings!!!!!! Just look at it??? Does this look like I was having fun creating this blue parody creature here???

Then of course, I'd made yet another image of Mr. Eyesaur here, all created all from Google Drawings!!! So yeah, apparently, I was having no FUN at all designing this #7thParodyMascot of Jax Justun Studios here, there are of course some more official images/PNGs/JPEGs that I'd made for Mr. Eyesaur, but due to how long this episode/chapter here is, we might be here all day looooonnnggggg!!!!!!!

But finally, after three horrible days from creating different screenshots and images/PNGs/JPEGs, towards grouping almost all of them all at once, from January 14th to 16th of 2024, I had finally created the entire official parody model/redesign of Mr. Eyesaur!!!!!! Just look at him!!!! All of these parts of Mr. Eyesaur's entire parody body here were all created from not only screenshots, but also created from five different free designing online websites like Pixlr.com, Scratch.com, Google Drawings, Canva, and of course, the most recent Figma.com which I'd first discovered around that time alone!!!!! Oh my GAWD, what a journey this was!!!! Overall by the way, Mr. Eyesaur was just one those moments that I just take so long to design and everything!!!! And let me tell you guys, Mr. Eyesaur wasn't the only one that had this problem though!!!
There's like many more of these parodies to come and everything!!! Which hopefully in the nearest future, more storage and space will be added into them parody folders, files, and computers of the Jax Justun Studios Chronicles Series!!!!! And with that folks, this all wraps up FINALLY the seventh episode/chapter all about Mr. Eyesaur!!!!! MAN!!! This was a lot of fun to make here!!! And of course, arguably one of the most longest ones yet here!!!!! Sorry if this one here took more longer to get here!!!! Apparently at the start of this episode/chapter here about Mr. Eyesaur, it did kind of said that he had lots of strange developments during these past decades here in Jax Justun Studios!!!!!!
So yea folks, that's the end for the first series of the behind the scenes, histories, lore, backstories, and personalities about all of the parody mascots/characters from Jax Justun Studios of Series One of 2018!!!!! I think we might probably have the upcoming episodes/chapters for the Jax Justun Studios Chronicles Series to be more shorter then usual here!!!!! But let's not get our hopes up just yet though!!! Any who, that should be the final and official post for today/tonight you guys!!!! I'll of course promise for some more future updates!!! But for now folks, stay tuned for some more future updates, have a wonderful and relaxing goodnight sleep, and see you all in them next future updates!!! I'd said that twice!!!! See you all later!!!! #210YearsOfParodyLikeCreations!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!! #ParodiesWontBeCramped #InsideOfTightSpaces!!!! #MrEyesaurLovesYouAll!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!
-End of The #7thJJSChronicle!!!!
(Stay tuned for the next future parody Episode/Chapter of the Jax Justun Studios Chronicles Series!!!! Where all of the Parody Secrets, Details, and Histories of all Parody Characters & Parody Cameo Characters of Jax Justun Studios will be revealed next in the nearest future!!!! See you all next time and keep on Parody-ing!!!)
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