Anyways, meet the official #15thParodyMascot of Series Two of 2024 known as "Nappy Snappy", also code named as being "SCP/Experiment-79KJ40PM"!!! Created on this day alone on September 22nd, 1987, arguably during one of the worst moments of all time (long story short), Nappy Snappy was name after and created from "Nappie Jazze Snappy", the official voice actor of Nappy Snappy and one of the official head officers of Draxx Dustun Studios!!!! It's a bit confusing right there, but you all get the ideas and whatnot!!!!
And what do you know!!!! This guy looks awfully familiar here!!!! YEP!!! That's Mr. Lazyhose's "Laxynose's" brother!!!!! After nearly seven whole years, we'd finally gotten an official good look at one of Mr. Laynose's first and ever long lost parody relatives here!!!!! But, we'll explain more on all of that later on!!!! But anyways folks, that's the end for today's #2032ndGameJoltPost and everything!!!!! Sorry this one was super duper late because I was just in the middle of some rough and positive-like family time and everything for today here!!!! But anyways folks, as you all may heard the news by now, the Jax Justun Studios videos (if you all know what I mean from all of that.....) are now going to be taking a very long break from October of 2024!!!!
YEP!!!! You all guessed-ed right here, the official #JSSvideos will be returning until around in November of 2024!!!!! So yeah folks, but fear not, because Nappy Snappy and the rest of the staff from Draxx Dustun Studios and Haxx Hustun Studios will be creating something very more interesting then never before!!!! We'll be explaining more and more details about all of that later on here!!! And yes, they'll be no rushing this time!!! And yes, we'll take breaks during those moments as always!!! AND YES!!!!! They're all related towards Jax Justun Studios and its lore and backstories and everything here!!! But anyway folks, stay tuned for some more future updates and we'll C U all in the next time!!!! #WelcomeToDDSHHSandJJS!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #812YearsOfParodyExperiments!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #RespectNappySnappyPlease!!!!?!?!??!!!!?!! #AndOtherPositiveParodiesToo!!!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!!!!!!!!!