Way back on August 11th, 1213, "Prisoner/Experiment-UJK99897Y", also known as "Bistal Crall" was born for our positive and magical entertainment!!!!! Created by the official man known by "Denney Crall Bistal", this was one of the very first and the most magical parody mascot that Draxx Dustun Studios has ever created!!!!! Didn't we also forget to mentioned that Bistal Crall is also the brother of Drishing (Drish), the first recalled parody mascot/character from Haxx Hustun Studios???
So yeah guys, we'll be talking about this guy more and more when time passes on by, but for now, just stay tuned for some more future updates!!!! And don't worry, my storage on my gaming PC's still surviving very well!!! Anyways, see you all next time and stay tuned for some more future updates!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!! #BistalCrallTheMagicStein!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!