Wait a minute here??? #5.1??? Where's number #6???? I guess there has been a typo here folks.......I have no idea how this had happened!!!!!!! Anyways, created all the way back on August 3rd, 1213, the same and exact moment of time when Mr. Frilmlock was created, say hello to his fellow sister and love of his life known as "Mrs. Frilmlock", also known as "Experiment/SCP-783B-A2"!!!!! Yep!!!! Not only that both Haxx Hustun Studios and Jax Justun Studios have two parody-like love birds, but Draxx Dustun Studios also has parody love birds as well too!!!! Doesn't she look beautiful?????
And by the way, yes!!!! Mrs. Frilmlock's just another version of Mr. Frilmlock, but with alternate changes!!!! Like body gesture, logos and symbols differences, and just flipped in the opposite direction!!!!! So yeah guys, we'll explain more future updates about Mrs. Frilmlock later on in the nearest future!!! So yeah, stay tuned for some more future updates!!!! Anyways you guys, there's only one more parody mascot/experiment left to create and find for Draxx Dustun Studios and everything should be done already!!!!! For now, goodnight and see you all in the next future updates!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!!! #HaveSomeFrilmlocksMyFriends!!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!!!!! #SeriesOneOfDDSAtTheEndNow!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!!!!