The Return to Jax Justun's 4: Hechology Technolegy

3 months ago

2024 HHS Parody Characters #4 & #5 - Gharkbaitte & Ghosty Host (AKA: GH-Bon2) (#4th Created on: March 26th, 2024) (#5th Created on: March 19th, 2024) WOW!!!! Two Parody Characters/Mascots in just one day alone!!! That's just crazy business!!!!!

Haxx Hustun Studios Chronicle #4

Episode Four: Gharkbaitte & Ghosty Host (AKA: GH-Bon2)

Chapter Four: (Having Gharkbaittes for Dinner? What a Most with a Ghosty Host!!!!)

And by crazy, I mean that both of our #4thAnd5th Parody Mascots/Characters of both "Gharkbaitte" (created back on March 26th, 2024) and "Ghosty Host (AKA: GH-Bon2)" (created and designed back on March 19th, 2024) are actually known as brothers!!!! YEAH!!!! Because they were actually known for something a bit interesting all around!!! But in both of a good AND bad way!!!!! Oh and by the way, today's or was July 28th, 2024!!!!


(Official Link to Gharkbaitte's first official Appearance:


(Official Link to Ghosty Host's first and Official Appearance:

Because well, born on March 9th or 17th, 1923, Ghosty Host or also known as "Prisoner-FGHT1265" and/or "Ghostley" as well too is another Parody Mascot/Character owned from only them workers at Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!! Also known as the the #5thHHS #ParodyMascot that has been recalled-ed like six times!!!! Three Times in May of 1987, and THREE MORE TIMES on June 6th, 1998!!!!!!!



(Official Link to Ghosty Host's Parody Cartoon Poster:

(Official Link to Ghosty Host's Cartoon Depiction:


Which all explains why that Ghosty Host was then replaced by none other then Gharkbaitte!!!!! Which, Gharkbaitte was created back on March 27th, 1934!!!! Just nearly like 11 whole years right after Ghosty Host was created!!!!! And for some reason, according to Ghostley's Parody Cartoon Poster, it has said that he was created and designed to help out others in need in help from creating much and better futures!!!! Which makes no sense at all because due to the fact that he had a few glitches in his system, he wasn't doing all that well at all!!!! Going through walls scaring people and everything!!!!



(Official Link to Gharkbaitte's Parody Cartoon Poster:

(Official Link to Gharkbaitte's Cartoon Depiction:


And of course, 11 years later, on March 27th, 1934, Ghosty Host was then officially been replaced by none other then Gharkbaitte, also known as "SCP-LKP-97653", the actual and official prototype version of Ghosty Host!!!! Which by the way, Gharkbaitte was actually originally named as GH-Bon2, the actual and official #2ndNickname for Ghosty Host!!!! Yeah!!!! There's so much to take in here!!! Anyways, Gharkbaitte was also actually known as the first and ever Mall Keeper (originally known as a "Mall Store Assistant (M.S.A)" as well too) that could become the next step in both parody and Haxx Hustun Studios history!!!!!

But however, that did not all last very long at all, because around on November 14th, 1936, just two years after Gharkbaitte's was officially released for the public eyes, Gharkbaitte was recalled and then put to rest for good, right after hearing that Gharkbaitte had an accident and fight with the manager and owner of the "Kylate Jerssarey Mall" from 7:30 PM through 12:30 AM on that same day alone!!!!!!!

But now, nearly like 105 years later, these two had finally gotten a second chance to live!!! Or more then two chances for that matter!!!! Since the early development stages of "Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Disventures in Hechology Technolegy in Rise of the HHS Parody Characters of Napature & Aperture Science", both of Ghosty Host and Gharkbaitte were a lot more different since they were teased all the way back on March 1st, 2024!!!! The same and exact day when Chess Greece, the official and the very first and actual #1stParodyMascotCharacter of Haxx Hustun Studios was created!!!!!


As you all haven't heard it by now, both of these two parody individuals were originally were a bit more different during their development phases!!! Ghosty Host or Ghostley was going to be originally an actual ghost and had an actually body that was made out of electrical wires strapped around an actual kind of Ghostbusters-like captured box, like you'd all seen from the original movies and TV shows and of course, the most recent/newest movies as well too!!!! And Gharkbaitte on the other hand was not only originally named and coded as "Shark Baitte", but also originally had a shark-like fin that was behind his back!!!!

Let's also not forget that Gharkbaitte was also originally a smaller and light-aqua blue-ish colored-like dolphin/shark with a black eyepatch and golden hook and all!!!! But sadly though as for Gharkbaitte, due to some copyrighted materials and such, both of Ghosty Host and Gharkbaitte's original designs were scrapped and removed for good!!!!


And of course, as of today and onwards, both of Ghosty Host and Gharkbaitte's redesigns (which you are seeing in these official parody fan-made game headers for both episodes four and eight for the future mascot horror game know as Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Disventures in Hechology Technolegy in Rise of the HHS Parody Characters of Napature & Aperture Science of course) were both changed and altered into the most recent designs that we all know in love today!!!! By the way, since Gharkbaitte's original designs and models were removed for good, the fin for Gharkbaitte was sadly lost in the original files and it was lost forever!!! Same as for Ghosty Host's original designs and models as well too!!!!


However at the time from writing/typing out all of this out, a few days ago, roughly on July 26th, 2024, both of the original models and designs for both Ghosty Host and Gharkbaitte were found, repurposed, and brought back from the dead all from their rightful and respectful partners from Jax Justun Studios!!!! They way how Jax Justun Studios had found those original designs and models was from "Jaw Hacklen Moltterd", the official voice actor of both Ghosty Host and Gharkbaitte!!!! And also the one who'd also created these two as well too!!!!

As of today, Jaw Hacklen has been doing a wonderful and positive job from voice acting his rightful parodies!!!! And of course, since the most recent development stages of Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Disventures in Hechology Technolegy in Rise of the HHS Parody Characters of Napature & Aperture Science, both of Ghosty Host (now known as officially both Ghostley and GH-Bon2) and Gharkbaitte (now known as officially Gharkbaitte of course) have become the main villains and official Mall Keepers of the Haxx Hustun Studios and the Jax Justun Studios timelines and stories of this parody-like TV Show/Movie series!!!!! And of course, the rest it history!!!


THANK GOD PEOPLE!!!! I'd finally talked about some actual parody mascots/characters of Haxx Hustun Studios right here folks!!! I'm going to take a nap now folks!!! See you all next time!!!! Okay then........Anyways, as for me, there's like a lot to talk about for both Ghosty Host and Gharkbaitte here!!!!!

Oh by the way, while making all of this stuff here, at around at just 3:19 PM, I'd decided to just uploaded this post already because of course, it's like getting late on my end so, yeah!!! That is that of course!!!! Anyways, back on topic here, let's firstly talk about Ghosty Host first folks!!!!


Created back on March 19th, 2024, Ghosty Host was kind of a strange and weird parody that I'd ever designed and created here!!!! Not because of the parts that I'd randomly used from other past parody characters that I'd made these months here in 2024, but mostly the parody mascot/character itself!!!! He was of course all modeled on Google Drawings, but, just look at him???? I guess that explains a lot about why he was based around with some Ghostbusters references in the first place..........For me though, I'd could've done a lot more better then this!!!! But for now, I'll just stick to for what I got for Ghosty Host right here and there!!!



And now secondly/finally, Gharkbaitte, which was created back on March 26th, 2024!!!! And also the very last parodies that I'd made for Series One of 2024 of parody mascots/characters of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!! So, this guy was particularly a much better parody that I'd ever designed so far!!!! Even this thing's like five months old by now as of July of 2024, Gharkbaitte was a lot more better then I thought he'll become!!!! The pose though for him could've been more better, but he was also all designed and modeled on Google Drawings, so yeah!!!! Can't do all much and everything!!!!

And as you may had seen and heard about from earlier, there was originally going to be and actual shark/dolphin fin behind Gharkbaitte's model!!!! Sadly though, during those moments that I was designing Gharkbaitte, I was just so all caught up and side-tracked a bit, that I'd forgotten to made a fin for him!!!! Hopefully though, when I have them chances to do so, I might probably create a second version of him!!! Maybe??? Well, we will all just have to wait and see on that!!!!

But as always folks, that concludes today's.....OOOOOoooHHhhhhh!!!! I should've thought this through huh??? I could've put this post on the official Haxx Hustun Studios Chronicles Channel.........But I wasn't thinking!!! But don't worry folks!!!! I'll be actually might create a second version of this #4thHHSchronicles post!!!! And only then, everything else should be fine!!! Anyways, like I was trying to say's to say thank you for all of you for watching and seeing the the #4thEpisodeChapter of the Haxx Hustun Studios Chronicles series!!!!! This was a lot more longer then I thought it would!!! Anyways, see you all next time!!! #WelcomeToHaxxHustunStudios!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #TheGhostyBaitteMKbrothers!!!!! #NapatureLovesYouAll!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!

(Official Link for the Official #4thEpisodeChapter of the #HHSchroniclesSeries!!! "Officially on the Official and Actual Haxx Hustun Studios Chronicles Channel":



Next up

HT Band Member #6 & #8 - Dark Squid & Crystal The Octoling "Crystal-Ling Strikershows" - (Both From the Splatoon Fan-Verse) Today's now August 21st, 2024, and today we have discovered two other #HTbandMembers of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!

2024 Recalled HHS Parody Character #3 - Table-La-Labble (The Tabble Labbler Pet) (Created on: April 5th, 2024) & 2024 Recalled HHS Parody Character #4 - Wolff-Lamp (Created on: April 25th, 2024) Hello ghost people!!!! We're in future here!!!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Cameo Character #1 - Mr. Puzzles - From The SMG4 Universe Oh boy!!!! Draxx Dustun Studios had done the same thing with their official parody cameo mascots/experiments as well too!!!! Like their official #1stParodyCameoMascot!!!!! #YUP!!!!!

Teaser for NIGHT 2. Thanks for 300 page followers Game by @BubyGamer11 & @Jacorn

2024 HHS Parody Cameo Character #17 - Neo Agent 3 "Nieag" (Version #2) - From Splatoon 3 (Created on: Aug. 9th, 2024 - Sept. 15th, 2024) After nearly two months of development, she's finally been created!!!!

@BubyGamer11 and I are dropping a new short FNaF Fangame releasing on friday! It will be released on this gamepage:

HT Band Members #4 & #7 - Strawberry Short Heiste & Soxx Heiste - (Meebkin & Sox Both From My Singing Monsters on Ethereal Workshop/Island) It's double the fun here with Haxx Hustun Studios you guys!!!! The #4thAnd7th HT Band Members are finally here!!!!!

2021 Parody Cameo Character #18 - Fake Coco - From Crash Bandicoot 4: It's about Time!!! It's about time we'd finally shown off more and more parody cameo characters officially from Jax Justun Studios!!!! YES!!! It's late at night!!!

Teaser for NIGHT 2. Thank you for the big 500 Game by @Greg_Games & @SunkenStudios

TRtoJJ's4: HT (All HHS Parody Cameo Mascots from Series One June of 2024) - Created on: Aug. 22nd, 2024 Well folks, it's finally here at last folks!!!!!! Nearly like 3 months of waiting, & here we are all now today!!!!!!!