1 year ago

250th member yay


Five Nights at Hanwil's 2 is the second game of the series "Five Nights at Hanwil's", and its a remake of the original fnah 2.


Cool. Yea, thats it. Overall, its 8,5/10.


Night 1-5: Its good, the only issue is that you can camp cam 9 (aka, generator room), and the cam system is annoying, but that doesn't ecen affect you, since in the whole game, you just stay on that cam 9, there ins't any another cam mechanic aside from that one. Well, talking to charaters now, their mechanics are cool, but i wish it had more mechanics, like, flashing someone at the window and etc, but asides that, the way the game is, its already good. Overall, its 8,3/10, it could've had more variety on the mechanics.

Night 6: pretty mid, its easy, like, you can just camp the table, ik that he can attack the generator, but you can just turn off the lights and if it turns on just turn it off again. The demon guy mechanic is annoying, but he doesn't so anything to you, so you can just ignore him, even if he blocks your vision and makes it dark, you can see the characters anyway. The main guy of the night is pretty generic, it would be cool if he had other mechanics, like, search for him in cams, or smth like a boss fight, it would make it more cool for a night like that. Overall, its 7/10.


Its pretty balanced, you can have fun with this game, it may has some rng in it, but its not smth like five nights with mac tonight 1 og, where its 100% rng, the only character that for me its a bit unbalanced, its that demon. Overall, its 9,5/10.


they are fine, the only issue is that the character moves too slow, there could be a sprint button (like owaf fan-made) so the minigames are a bit more quicker. They also are kinda boring, also, the guy we play as, is taller than the door, you can see that on the kitchen. Overall, its 4/10.


I didn't really cared for the story.

Extra Content

Challenges: they are aceptable, but there could be more modes, only endless and custom night makes it kinda empty.

Extras Menu: pretty cool, i like how you can change the velocity on jumpscares, and it affects the jumpscare sounds, i love this detail. the only thing i don't liked is that the cheats/challenges are there, they should've be on Challenges Section instead of Extras Menu. Overall, both are 6,5/10


Didn't find any.


The game ins't for potatoes pcs, you can still play it, but it may be a bit laggy.


Its a great game, even if there are some bad parts like night 6 n' stuff, but Overall, its a 8/10 game, i recommend it!

(Keep in mind i only played Night 1-6, i didn't tried any cn challenge or post game content)



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uhhh, looks like today its my #spawnday

tho, it was yesterday lol


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