Fedrick: REMADE
4 years ago

31 July, 2020

Hi. Anyways so I changed the upload schedule of dev logs so its actually for the month itself. Okay now we can get to that I worked on this/last month.

  1. I've almost finished 2D assets, only ones are the more complicated ones that are more than just a static image (does that make sense? Idk).

  2. I've finished all 3 animatronics' concept arts.

  3. I've started learning C# now so that's great :D

  4. I've fixed the story as well thanks to my friends (@Neroctopus wassgud).

  5. Added some extra stuff to how the animatronics work, so its more fun I guess?

  6. Started sketching out how the office looks, might start on 3D assets once I know how each room is gonna look like.

That's all I have for now, I think I'm just gonna finalise the rooms and go from there :D See you!

End of log.



Next up

2 June, 2020

Entry for Challenge #10, it was hastily drawn just to get it in on time but at least it's something right? XD New: 7/6/20 Old: 19/11/19

I drew Elsa again :) This time digitally :D Tell me where's your favourite part and your least favourite part of the drawing, ty

Total time taken: 12h

Challenge 3:

(First challenge I’ve done and I rushed :T)

Hii, I drew Supergirl because why not? S4 is on Netflix now and I've already finished it so..

Fedrick's model so far, watcha think? Might not post much as it's exam period oof

I drew Elsa :) what do you guys think? (Ignore the faded markings, I drew too hard XDD)

Just some casual fanart for @FuriousWarrior11 ...

Challenge #4: My OC :) (Werewolf, I might do a wolf one)

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