Paper Candy!

7 months ago

4 Days Later...

lmao I finally updated that part, my bad



Next up

good grief

real ones will know what's up...

Woah look, it's @silverxcristal !! (What's she doing here?)

I didn't even notice I broke 200 followers oops lmao

I'm pretty sure it's because of this duder (Paper Candy) but thanks guys!!


It's wishful thinking but god I pray for Rayman 4 every night

Ay first devlog for the game !!

Summary in the image above but you should PROBABLY read all of the stuff below. (it's kinda long oops)

Check out Psycho;Logical!

New coolswag project :) Link in article

The image says it all

Yes, this is canon.

@FireKoopaX 's DEFEAT (Coolswag Remix) ((v4)) (((dear god)))

Links in the description! I did the art as usual lmao