4 years ago


Thank You Guys So Much For The Support.

My Journey Wouldn't Be Possible Without You Guys.

I started in 2020, just starting school again, and I wanted to upload my games I made at school. so @FuntimeFoxGamejolt told me about hear, and Then people gave me a couple shoutouts, then I started making better games and things.

If I Didn't want to upload bad scratch games, this would never have started. I have met so many great people on Game Jolt and some of them like @ACrazyManYT became 1 of my very good friends.

For my 400 Followers, I will Be UNCANCELLING Lilith and Little Leo's Adventures. Graphics Will Be Re-made then the old ones.

Thanks @Not-friskdrem for being the 400th follower, and thank you guys for helping me get you.

Hope you have a nice day, goodbye.

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meowscles bi confirmed???

Sdsifesjfejfioejfeifjrioferj eirjwriot ewjeioawjeaeior esfio jfsfdskjf dsf kjdslfdskj fjlf daj pa pjaw ijewrioewjrioewj rewr iaewj reriot jtrs yiodrj tdrio jer ipersjuteriv ruqwjpeo jwepoawjaspdo jdfgio jdfgoidfjgfiohjdrgtioerj ioerj ersi tarw jutarwio!

Cactus Farm is fully complete and functional (8x4x2 or 64 cactus plants), and the sugar cane farm is a wip (I will randomly post updates about my minecraft world here) [1]

Harmony of Love will release 11:59 US Eastern Standard.

Go on dates with my original character Alicia in this charming, light-hearted, short visual novel game.

HoL features multiple dialogue paths and completely different scenes depending on your choices!

Considering I only played like maybe 2 hrs I did really good


New pfp (and my first lineless art too I guess. I'll probably still mostly do art with lines though since I think I usually prefer it)

Did they add this for pride month or has this always been there?

What was I on making this in 2019???

So, a while ago @Fixelt_The_Game_Dev made a post with a picture asking people to make it look creepy.

That was ages ago, but I felt like doing it- so I did.

20th crown win of the season!