Some Nights at Freddy Faxbear's

2 months ago

5/25 is confirmed possible

Not sure about aggro tho

oh yeah also update

  • changed candy cadet's badges names (again)

  • added the "rotten candy" badge

  • added the cupcake

  • added vent system and audio lure

  • sorry, the halloween update wont be coming out in october, unless I rush it, but nobody wants that. expect release in early november



Next up

these guys are coming to the game

they will not be hostile

another teaser

it's not a big reveal so it wont be added to any realms or communities

Next Week at Freddy's is done.

Look out for the release trailer coming very soon.

Merry Christmas 🎄

(Almost) Everything for the C4MP41GN M0D3 update is finished.

Just need to code in the new trophies, expect update today or tomorrow.

Nightmare Chica WIP | Design by @/thewebsurfer97

She has woken up.

Song in article


FredTime+ Christmas Teaser!