2 months ago


Honestly, I thought I wouldn't make it, but I made it, of course, it's not 100% Pinagsama's body, but it's what I have now, I'm going to improve it people



Next up


Something needs to be clarified, and that is that it probably won't leave for some countries at the same time, I'll use Mexico as an example, in Chile it's 3 hours later for them, well, just that needs to be clarified.

A little (big for some) Spoiler from A Shift In Jolly's Fantasy World (I'm sorry if it doesn't load, idk if there are only images or gifs up there xd )

#WIPWednesday i miss doing wip wednesdays so this is what im currently working on the last scene is unfinished and i still have alot of scenes to add but i really like alot of stuff i have done so far so i might aswell show that of :D

Originally the teaser trailer #2 was supposed to come out today at 12, but it will take me longer anyway. I'm already recovering files that I saved on a mediafire.

Repainted in Gold's gamepage update is HERE!

something is comming...


floor 2:blueprints area

This was probably one of the more requested and wished for features I've seen from the demo but now there's an Undo and Redo option in the game!

The Tiles and Objects have their own individual undo and redo lists.

It's official, it's already ending, the first teaser trailer, there will be a lot of difference with other teaser trailers, but it's the first one I've made 1/1/2024 00:00

chile time