
28 days ago

500 views celebration article

I know this is nothing to be excited about, but I would like to quickly thank anyone for ATLEAST caring about my games as a whole.

I need to clear something up; I was being too harsh on this game in its earlier days. It pretty much felt like I was throwing away what the team cooked up, even if that really wasn't my intention. And I guess it's true that it really wasn't that bad as I thought? I now find it the very first "unique and interesting fan-game" to come out of the Changed fandom aside from the re-colors.

But let's not get carried away here; There are big things coming, especially for me and this game itself.

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Next up

I still see her.

(i challenge anyone to find the hidden messages)

i don't think anybody is gonna get the joke

i get up

Alright, fine—I'll do it. Let's do what Kaiju Paradise did with Trystan, user-submitted LTX creatures for our upcoming Changed fangame inspired by Outlast Trials.

The only rule; Must be an anthropomorphic animal/furry... Read article for more. Examples up


(On the other side, we're starting up voice actor applications again! Come get your cat pictures for doing so!)

springbo- bonnie.

Floor 3 Sneak Peek (repost cuz i forgot)

suddenly i got pissed over me not liking the lantern thing so i did it again

nobody got it


we can now LARP as a steam game