Fedrick: REMADE
4 years ago

6 Apr, 2020

Hii, I’m back, I hope everyone is staying safe from the virus, but hopefully I can cheer you up with an update!

  1. I’m remaking the concept art for all characters, just refining some stuff (just proportions, height, detail, etc)

  2. @Neroctopus is texturing the models for me, thank you :D (no I have not started lmao) @TheGentlemanSir is also drawing the endoskeletons for me, which is an honour. I’m extremely grateful of these two :)

  3. Due to the remaking of the concept art, some of the assets that include them need to be redone, causing the progress to be slowed down, but it’s okay XD

Additional note:

If you have any questions regarding the update, comment them in this dev log

Some of the references are in the discord server if you wanna see them (lowkey asking you guys to join ngl)


End of log.

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Hii, I drew Supergirl because why not? S4 is on Netflix now and I've already finished it so..

I drew Elsa :) what do you guys think? (Ignore the faded markings, I drew too hard XDD)

I drew Elsa again :) This time digitally :D Tell me where's your favourite part and your least favourite part of the drawing, ty

Total time taken: 12h

2 June, 2020

Model update, arms are almost finished, starting on the legs now! :D

Challenge #4: My OC :) (Werewolf, I might do a wolf one)

Entry for Challenge #10, it was hastily drawn just to get it in on time but at least it's something right? XD New: 7/6/20 Old: 19/11/19

Fedrick's model so far, watcha think? Might not post much as it's exam period oof

Challenge 3:

(First challenge I’ve done and I rushed :T)