1 year ago

8 followers away from 300, OH BOY!

What should I do for 300 followers?



Next up

Now that's a lot of followers

I've been sick for the past few days so if I reach 1000 during the time I'm sick, I have nothing planned

Because I haven't given it much thought and I have a massive headache

Final score, hopping off tf2 now

Been playing for like 9 hours

Just a regular scoreboard, nothing weird going on here in Skial AU

The Iron Bull is a party member and spy featured in Dragon Age: Inquisition who was voiced by Freddie Prinze Jr.

Writer Patrick Weekes confirmed that The Iron Bull is pan back in 2014.

There was an actual Nazi in my tf2 game

Suma :))

Pride month art 2/12

Let's start to play

I found the graphics settings and was actually able to play the game

I loved it


Downloading a new horror game