Baldi's Basics The Ultra Decompile

11 months ago


Well, today is the pre-release of BB+ 0.5. One week before the public release and the final beta tester release of BBTUD V3. I want to answer some questions and things that'll be coming up.

Will the new item be added from 0.5?

Yes, I already planned it. If anyone asks in the future, tell them I said that.

Will multiplayer be back soon?

To be honest, I changed my mind. I'll return multiplayer in Tuesday on versions V2.2-V2.3.1. Yep, this Tuesday. I know y'all are impatient about V3 which will still take a while, so I'll bring back multiplayer. I don't know how long yet but it'll be back active for a few weeks.

FYI, if I forget, you have my permission to yell at me in the comments.

Will Dr. Reflex be added?

Look at the GIF. It's actually my mod with Dr. Reflex. I hope that answers your question.

What's with the crash issue lately on android?

I actually don't know. Probably a setting I changed in V2.3.1. I upgraded unity versions this update, so it may or may not fix the issue plus more optimizations.

Alright y'all, I've been working on multiplayer a lot and so much content is going through in V3. I don't want to mention too much but it's crazy. You should be hyped for multiplayer by the way because it'll finally come out from beta after many years.

When the last beta tester version releases, if it goes very well, V3 may be out mid-June or somewhere in July. I highly think it'll be in July though. It's not 100% confirmed specifically so don't place your bets yet. Anyway, that's all. Let me know if you have any more questions about V3.




Next up

V3.0 Announcement

Multiplayer will be unavailable for a while...



NOTE: Android versions were not tested due to the little time I have. Please check if there are any major or minor bugs.

Multiplayer is coming back...

Deal, it will be released this month in 2 weeks. I may forget so please remind me if this date is getting closer.

Here's another development update. Also, there is a sneak peek hidden in this image as well.

bIrThDaY bAsH!