UnderTale: DoctorTale | Official Fangame |

3 years ago

✨A deadline for script, New concept start for menu, New Team member and some stuff ✨ [04.15.2020]

/crawls out from under the rubble of written pages, drawings, books and other things/

A-hah! Air! Finally, some fresh air!

/deep breath/

Aaaah… I can finally see something more than script… Ah yes, about that, haven’t seen you for a long time, dear subscribers of this godforsaken place (that’s not about me, I’m not God ). Well, I guess it’s time to write something there.

So, our today's theses are:

  1. SURELY THE SCRIPT WILL BE FINISHED?! Deadline and not only

  2. KSAN'S EXPERIMENTS!! What does the coder do while he has no material to work with?

  3. MEET ALICE! New member of the DoctorTale's team

Tim DN is in touch with you, and after 2 months of silence I’m telling you about what’s going on with the project and behind the scenes.

Oh, and yes, happy 200 companions. You're all great ;з

✨ Script

So, I’ve set myself a deadline for the delivery of the script for the umpteenth time. Today, the day X stands on several days in my calendar, so that each moment in the story has its own date of delivery. Therefore, if all the stars will align, the first FULL draft of the game's plot will be on my hands in this month. I can't say how true is this, but now we’re in the middle of the planned plot and we ALREADY have 300 pages of text. I’m very proud of this work and I hope that I can implement all this correctly, not without a little help from Ksan and many other people. For now, I'll just say that there’re a bunch of dialogues, characters, etc., and I don’t plan to stop there, but to develop them further. Of course, we need to see if Ksan can implement this, but if anything, then there is such an idea.

✨ Development

There’s nothing to say something meaningful about the development process. I haven't done spriting for a long time, the last time I just tried to work on the TARDIS console, the coding stands still, since there’s no text and sprites, and all that Ksan can do is just experiment. So, he did this out of boredom: a time vortex from Season 5.


He could have stopped there, but he went further, finalized the system and added the game logo, buttons and TARDIS itself. This is how a new menu came about:


To be honest, this work impressed me so much that I seriously thought about leaving this in the final version, so that between the demonstration of space and the rooms from the game there was such a transition in the form of a funnel, as if TARDIS was moving between worlds. I don’t know if we’re going to do this in this the way, but I, as I hope you do, I really like this idea and its performance :з

I’m also thinking about the possibility to add to the settings the ability to change the text speed like it was in "Adventures With Anxiety!" – by the way, it’s cool game, so check it out – since there’s a lot of text in the game, everyone reads at different speeds, and there’s practically no opportunity to skip the dialogue.


✨ Team

As I wrote at the beginning of the year or months earlier, I’m gonna start gradually recruiting people for more productive game development. So, in addition to me and Ksan, another person joined us.

Let me introduce to you Alice, or Lord of the Sun. She will be our concept artist cause DT has many ideas that need visualization, and it would take a long time for me to try to capture and convey a certain image. For example, highlight a certain fashion for the inhabitants of the planet Cheem, or the kind of underground cities Ruins, houses, some enemies, etc. Now she has already designed clothes for the Trees of Cheem, then we’ll work on designs for their houses.

The Trees of Tree concept art


In addition, after I complete the full draft of the script, it’ll be edited and filled and later we’ll give it the translation. Therefore, I’ll need to look for an English translator and a native speaker so that he can check the literacy of the text. But this will be a little later.

Well, I thought it would be much less, but it's good that the post did take place. The only question remains, when will we see you next time? God knows (not me again). Therefore, bye everyone, see you soon, good luck to everyone and thank you for staying with us!

P.S. Due to popular requests from my friend Sveta, I leave a couple of otters in the post. Don’t ask me why, just for. Now I can live with clear conscience :"D


P.P.S. By the way, On April 3, the admin and the creator of the entire DoctorTale universe had a birthday. On this occasion, there should have been a congratulatory post but Ksan was a little too lazy to write it, so... I’m reporting in this post ":D


Tim DN

#DT #doctortale #doctorwho #dw #animation #birthday #rpg #devvlog #gamedev #news



Next up



[«𝟔 𝒅𝒂𝒚𝒔.»]

Welp, the post is almost ready. Loading everything here and it will pop up... close to an evening. 'Ve been preparing something all that time

🎄 The results of 2023, Summing Up and Teaser-trailer 🎄 [01.01.2024]

He's animated now


It's truly a Chirstmas miracle...... I should write a post on it. Later. After I write the closing one. God, some many symbols...

#DoctorTale #Undertale #Underevent (<- these guys are marvelous )

Soup'd Up - DR: Chapter Rewritten



[«𝟑𝟎 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒕𝒆𝒔.»]

[«𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭...»].

✨Completing the work with TARDIS, New Dialogue Interface, Finishing the Script (not really), Some thoughts on recent events ✨ [04.03.2022]

some various UTY fanart! i'm using my fan redesigns i made a while back. (please don't be so harsh on dalv...) love u UTY!!!

Oh, by the way, there happens to be a new UnderEvent coming up, and... THAT'S FANTASTIC!!!✨✨