7 years ago

A Little Love

Hi friends!

This upcoming month will be characterized by “aggressive polishing” of Vidar in anticipation of Early Access. However, tomorrow we launch the Steam Store Page and a huge press blitz, so not a ton of development happened this week. A few little clean up items here and there, though, so I thought it merited a patch.

We’ve also finalized the Linux downloader - Kickstarter backers who game on Linux and don’t use Steam will finally be able to play the game. That brings us down to only those backers who were looking for something on itch or some other platform. We’ll have updates for them shortly.

Happy New Year!


  • Ruins Puzzles now reset broken ice even if you’ve received assistance

  • The Bright Flower now gives off a little light

  • The first two ruins maps are a bit darker, to help you see mirror light

  • Falling now has a sound effect

  • Bridges over water throughout the cave no longer draw you as though you’re standing in the water

  • Bridges over ice throughout the cave no longer cause you to slide on them

  • Using a switch in the ruins will no longer stop the screenshake

  • Erik cannot get stuck at the beginning of his cave entrance on the left side

  • Fixed a bug in Puzzle 16 Option 2 that prevented the retrieval of a bucket



Next up

Now THIS is a treat - Marina has put together an art retrospective for Wastenauts. See how the style has evolved from initial concepts to in-game today!…

Geyser Tutorial

Climbing Animation

Feeling Sick

Loading Screen

All games should allow one character to cheat, obviously.… only 13 more days to back us and WE NEED YOUR HELP!

Turkey Coma

SO MANY REWARDS, SO LITTLE TIME. No seriously, we have a ton of exclusive rewards on the Kickstarter that won't be available after, and there are only 11 DAYS LEFT!…

The Church has responded, and the journals have been posted. You're going to want to see this.…

Vidar w/ Intel Games