Welcome To Razzy's

10 months ago

A little redraw of @Caleb_Hill 's little fanart of my boys :3c og is attached as the last one ofc. I just saw it and immediately had an idea XDc basically just changed the pose a little bit :3c I love the og a lot btw <3



Next up

This feller will be representing me on the Internet now, maybe I'll get back to the purple creetur sometime but not now

Wassup peeps, WTR just recently reached 100 followers apparently and if some of you checked the gamepage today already you might've seen that there's something new! Just like promised I uploaded what I did for the soundtrack so far :3

Again thx a lot <3

i swear I'm hard-working not hardly working

Please read the article!

I will be more and more happy to do anything fnaf related! NOTHING BIG

To who still has open commissions: I'm working on them right as I'm posting this 🙏

The last member of the band has arrived now too! ^o^

Gameplay (DEMO) reveal trailer out now!

little sneak peek of what I've prepared for you guys :)

Hi everyone, I believe I've kept you waiting for long enough so here's the reveal of what I've been working on! It's a redraw of a part from the silver eyes comic :)

"The Synthesis"

Help wanted!