1 year ago

A little short song I made cuz I was bored

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Next up

I've been working on chromatic scales for the past few hours,and I CANT DO IT ON MOBLIE I HAVE TO DO IT ON WINDOWS

Random stuff idk

Remastered Unnatural Substance / fixed?

Idrk at this point,just enjoy the music

Don't ask why Thiers balls 🥶🥶🥶🥶🤯😭💀💀🥶😞😞🥶🦝🥶🥶🤯🥶🥶🦝🦝🦝🥶

Headphones recommended

Cute lil Stupid nor❤❤❤

For @Lil_Drippy_ALT_

Ask me questions about vs stupid

Yeahhh I'm bored

Hi y'all,I came with another short song

Vs Stupid - Knowledge

Warning remake,ofc🦝🦝

Men are screaming

Headphones recommended

Grey's week - Lost my mind

It's a teaser song for vs stupid