6 months ago

a quick render with all the characters I've made so far. for @BubyGamer11 thanks for appreciating my art based on your game. :,D

It's worth a quick reder with everything you've done! I'm very happy that Buby loves my fan-made characters despite certain notable errors that some of them have! but hey it feels good to be appreciated like that for your work haha ​​(it sounds very dramatic xd, the only thing missing is that these characters are non-canon enemies in reptiland's custom night XD, dreaming costs nothing). Anyway, I hope you like it @BubyGamer11 you are a source of inspiration and I am glad that this game has had a big impact on you



Next up

Mother's Day, what a beautiful day to hug our mothers and tell them to go hug them.

#fnaf #fangame #devolg #reptiland

The two new rooms are here!


I am pleased to announce the two new rooms at Benny's Dead Forest, the children's area and the art room.

#fnaf #fangame #room #3Dart

Every shadow is a caution.

meet sam the honey owl

#fnaf #fangame #character

The base information of the characters is here! enjoy it

#fnaf #fangame #2D #characters


Devolg #3

read the article

#fnaf #fangame #devolg #notice