2 months ago

A report from the Capital grounds: April 28, 20:15, 2024

The president and his advisors would like to announce that the person who led the attack in Hardy’s former capital who also held the President hostage for months and posed as the president, has been discovered and taken into custody. In other news, digger production has been halted and all already built diggers have been put into study on their defensive capabilities and their ability to engage global cooling to combat global warming through the use of volcanoes and tectonic activity. The Kingdom of Arcticia has also been renamed The United Nation Of Arcticia to show our goal of Unification over the Franken Star System.


This has Been an activation Of the Arctician Presidential Report Broadcast System



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this factory is very satisfactory

wait what the hell happend

@MikaelorBash art challenge

wanted to try something different for once, let's hope i did well!

So this is Alabama.

can already say too many wasps

*sniff* …we did it…*sniff* We won…

we would like to announce that the little Caesar’s pizza chain, run by billionaire pizza the hutt (shown above) has become the official pizza chain of Arcticia

flags i made for @Greater-Roman-empire

flag 1: normal flag redesign

flag 2: battle flag concept