27 days ago

a smilling criter verson of my fnaf oc so yea



Next up

i made the 2d and 3d run away o would have made it all 2d and 8-bit but i dont want to waste more time

now need to add the charaters

icons's and one of them give some lore and stuff

lay out of the thing im going to do with the 8 bit sprites i made

nightmare budic is nin my main fnaf oc's nightmare's bc fire

back for the plane

now let add some thing

ranked them on who is the most importent and yea i added fnaf123456thefnaf clone-fire bc i needed 5

the main cast right now in order from left to right, starangle, fnaf123456thefnaf/fnaffan/fnafkingthefnaf,nlacky/lacky/ nacky, Budic the beaver aka phantom Budic the beaver