Since they are saying it's possible that we're playing as Jenica (called Jessica Wakeman in No Way Back) I thought and knew there's no way that we're playing as her alive as herself but it hit me....
Based on the teaser it's highly unlikely for her to be alive because she was of course Kirk's first known victim and it wouldn't make since if we were playing as her still alive,it wouldn't be as accurate to the already stated canon lore of The Noedolekcin Archives. So her soul would probably be possessing the Jenny Wakeman character that Kirk is tormenting her as which we would more than likely be playing as Jessica/Jenica possessing Jenny Wakeman. (Basically in other words dead in reality but alive possessing a cartoon character. Kinda like FNAF somewhat with the kids possessing the suits in a somewhat double life).
It would also explain why in the teaser that Jessica is in a hallway leading to a wooden Nickelodeon logo. This could be one of the Nickelodeon areas or it could be inside the TV as stated as we're probably playing as Jessica possessing the Jenny Wakeman character.
But I think we're actually inside the TV because and I quote Kirk's page on the villain fanon wiki "The souls of these individuals continue to live inside the bodies of Nicktoons". So yeah I think we're playing as Jenica/Jessica possessing Jenny Wakeman aka dead but alive possessing Jenny ever since Kirk wreaked her.
As for what TIME of the series The game will possibly take place I'm guessing sometime 2008-2009 because Kirk ends up being defeated around that time. (I wouldn't be surprised if the end of the game will be the same as the series itself as the game will probably go down with the TNA Reboot lore with Jessica POV).
It makes sense considering who we are playing as. Plus Jenica/Jessica is the only character (probably not as of the reboot but who knows because Strange Nicktoons Anomaly may be rebooted) to know more about Kirk than anyone who has dealt with him. So it makes sense that she is going to be the main focus.
Anyways that's all I have for this theory!
Hope you enjoy!
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