The Return To Freddy's 3: Multiplayer

1 year ago

About game right now #1!


I'm currently in the process of creating some multiplayer shit with my experiments as I'm learning it, there will be a lot of experiments and it will take a long time! But I will gain knowledge from it all. And now I've decided to do what I thought was a risky thing, add skins to the game. Well now I will explain to you why I thought this idea was risky:

1. Of course it is a risk (as strange as it may sound).

2. It looked inappropriate, because I wanted to make the game a simple revival of an original idea that was not implemented by anyone before me.

3. I had no ideas for skins as such, no matter how much I tried to come up with. But now, I roughly know what can be added.

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Next up



Well. the release will be delayed. For those of you who don't get it, I saved it in this pose.

Fireside will be when there are 100 followers (or 102-110) on this game page!

Ramiz & Friends: Revisualized - Out Now!

Developed By: @GhostGamesX , @jnity , @BubyGamer11 , & many others!


Even gods fall, but they'll never die...

A new character revival...?

Early alpha. :)

.-.. . - ... / . .- -

There will be a fireside later today. I just forgot about it. Fireside will start later at 18:45 (USA - 10:45).

Well, you'll have to wait.