Sonic.EXE: Story Of Darkness Remastered
3 years ago

About the "First Demo"

I know a lot of people were angry about how the demo went out, but that's THEIR fault for rushing Flash on the project in the first place! These projects take TIME to finish, time that you lot aren't giving him! So if you lot want a proper First Demo, then be patient and give Flash time to complete it!



Next up

Title Screen Has Been Added!

Major Announcement - The Split

Nexellon's Title Screen Sprite

"It's alright, kid. I'll take it from here."

"Okay, knock yourself out."

"Wait, why are you saying it like that?"

Top 10 moments taken before disaster.


Preview of The Third Intro Cutscene (W.I.P)

Help Wanted! (Coders, artists, cutscene animators and voice actors)

oh wow yet more hate

The Darkness Dev Team List (W.I.P)

Difficulty Select Preview!

New Screenshots!