FNAF Last Guard
9 years ago

abro ask, entrevistadme

os dejo mi ask ahora mismo estoy disponible enviadme preguntas y os contestare lo mas rapido posible.

podeis decirme teorias, preguntas de mis futuros juegos, ayuda en mis juegos, curiosidades lo que querais (sin pasarse)



Next up


Debido a decisiones creativas y en pos de la reimaginacion, el Remake ha sido cancelado.

Sin embargo, este no sera el final de la saga ZX, estad atentos para futuras novedades.

I Always Come Back

this is gonna take a While XD

Been working lately on lots of 'behind-the-scenes' boring stuff that no one really cares about, so here’s a guy playing the sax for some reason.


Here's a peaceful little forest scene for this #screenshotsaturday, from the beginning of the game.

Have a good Boi

Today I was setting up the location of the first boss. His name is "Father" and he is the first of the Patagonians. His task is to guard the road to the House.🛡🗡 Bookmark pre-launch page🔖🔖🔖…

What you all think

Rockin the Guitar, an Axe like Guitar I made for my Uni project

I worked so hard to get all four of them to the end safely, but then...

Alone Together....