3 years ago

---------------Account Update 6/18/2021-----------------

-----Work in Progress Art/Personal Stuff/Future Plans----

Extra before you get to the main part:

Before I start im just going to say leave Scott and his family alone. Scott is a family man, not someone who only cares about politics but this is planet earth. You're going to pretty much be attacked for everything now. So I support Scott and his family.

Edit 1:08 Am

Does anyone know how to draw animatronics? I have no idea.


My Art

Making some art for Scott Cawthon (the first sketch shown) right now but that's it while progress on Sonic Colors (Sonic X) and something new I'm working on has been put on pause for now. Thanks to everyone who has supported my art and followed my journey and I really appreciate it. Knowing that people actually like my art makes me happy. I put 4 screenshots to show what I have been working on. The main focus for fanart later may be undertale or fnaf but who knows. Never really done any art for those even though I'm a fan of both. Also, a fan of hollow knight and shovel knight so at least expect something for those. I'm also working on an original character to represent my Youtube and gamejolt account but it's going to be a while before I start sketching. Going to be working on a new logo so lookout.

My Animations

Nothing planned until I improved on my artwork first and other skills needed but I do some little test on my youtube channel every now and then.

My Youtube Channel

Not much going on but I will be doing some more speed draws as filler until Christmas and Halloween

My Personal Life

Pretty peaceful though I'm trying to take a break.

How I feel about 2020 and 2021

Met some pretty cool people and improved on my art quite a lot though that's about it.


My Sonic Fangames and Sonic Colors comic

I want to move away from Sonic stuff. A lot of people like my sonic art but I think I'm going to be moving on to other fanart and comics but I have come a long way so thanks for the support again guys and girls.

Dragon Ball Universal Ride

I could work on this myself even though the other 2 on the original team quit so maybe I will come back to it in the future

Palace Sonic/Team Mario Bros communities

I have planned events for the future when the communities get bigger but for now, don't expect much.

Team Sonic Community (Original)

Still have hope that it will come back eventually. I think the new Team Sonic has managed my Team Ages which is a bit suspicious and calm that they are pure. I have my trust and suspicions.

Dragon Ball Community

Not very active anymore so don't expect much but I mod on my alt when I need to feature or take action. Don't worry the community isn't left unmoderated because I pretty much check it every day to see if someone made some new dragon ball art.

-!Special Thanks!-

@Glitch_99 for being a cool dude. You're always improving your art so I get more motivated to improve mines.

@coryxkenshin12 for being that one friend I can always talk to about my digital art. I will never understand the pain of drawing a mouse and I refuse to start now.

@XxReytheGoldenRetreiver98xX Even though others may find your jokes annoying, you never fail to brighten up my day (unless somehow a whole argument starts.) When others aren't online you're some I know I can talk to about stuff.




Next up

Sonic Sketches

Sketches of some characters

Scratch Sonic fc redesign I guess

It's December! Almost Winter Season and decorating your friends like a Christmas tree!

Welp I think I might just make a new game jolt account...

Team Chaotix Family photo thing :p

"Speed From the Screen"

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Knuckles!

Complete the quest (if you haven't already) and you'll get a Sonic pack!


Scott Cawthon's Avatar