Obsidian Prince

4 years ago

Added a new enemy to our upcoming tileset. It's ratdiculously fun to play against. :D



Next up

It's take your puppy to work day for our heroes! We've just released a new patch.

Chapter 2 of Obsidian Prince has just released with tons of new content, QoL improvements and 3 new classes to try out.

I love AOE builds that goes BOOM!

Obsidian Prince is in EA :o It's been a wild 2 weeks since we launched. Now we're working on adding more content and polishing the experience with feedback from the community.

Charging with a spear woooooo

About sharks and vikings... :D

I've added an ascension mode to Obsidian Prince. This makes each game session faster with a more smoothly increasing difficulty level. Ascension 9 is HARD though! :) Community to far enjoys it more than then the previous endless mode.

For all the pet rock- lovers out there! <3

Chapter 2 Sneak Peek!

We've added magical items to Obsidian Prince. Now loot is even more exciting! #roguelike #turnbased #rpg