
Comments (4)

What do you think?

It's beautiful :0

Man, i NEED play this game, it looks great

Obsidian Prince is an intense turn-based dungeon crawler that will leave you soaked in mental sweat. Every choice matters. Weapons, class abilities and skills all impact how you fight enemies and complete each dungeon.

Additionally, each level you build onto your deck of inspirations that empower or alter your skills and abilities if you activate them when drawn.

Each session of Obsidian Prince leaves your brain hurting in the good way, as you battle your way through the dungeons one impactful choice after another. #strategy #rpg #roguelike #turnbased

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans

I love AOE builds that goes BOOM!


Obsidian Prince is in EA :o It's been a wild 2 weeks since we launched.

Now we're working on adding more content and polishing the experience with feedback from the community.

Added a new enemy to our upcoming tileset. It's ratdiculously fun to play against. :D

Charging with a spear woooooo

We've added magical items to Obsidian Prince. Now loot is even more exciting!

#roguelike #turnbased #rpg