Pikachu's Story

4 years ago

Added more Trials to Hardcore mode.

Adjusted all Enemies stats as well. I am working on balancing the game for new comers, but making it harder for Old players to keep things interesting

Pikachu's Story Game Link:



Next up

Expect a wait for the newest Update to Pikachu's Story!

There is a lot planned for this new expansion to the game. The game is going to be EVEN better! However, that means a lot of work is on my plate so Ill keep everyone up to date with screenshots!

New Update Released!

I know it didn't take along, but I've released more content!

More of Pikary's Story Trial's are now playable

Also Dark Pikachu is now a Playable Character! Use him during his Trial!

Play Pikachu's Story Here;

A lot of progress has been made on Pikachu Story!

Not only is it playable on Android, but now there will be Custom menus!

It will help move along development for the Final Mix version of the Game, which means I can release new Playable Demos here soon!

fakemon line from last year

Did some more Beta Testing on Pikachu's Story, (With Friends this time!) And did a bit of work on the expansion to the story mode. It's all coming together!

Check out Progress or play the original game now!

A very silly Toedscool animation

New update to Icy the Official game.

Now you can play all 5 nights.

Added Save and Load features.

Added In-cuddlable Mode, this Fnaf game's 4/20 mode!

Pikachu's Story Final Remix!

Progress is slow, but development is Strong!

I'm working on an alternate ending to the Main Story

But it'll be worth the wait! Featuring; New playable Characters! New Cutscenes! New Boss battles!

porygon2! also, i made such a cute sticker pack design for may. i'm excited to post it on may 1st!

More Screenshots to Hardcore mode on Pikachu's Story.

Progress is going smoothly and there's a new playable Character I'm happy to announce.

Riolu has arrived!

Pikachu's Story Game link;