LISA: Timeless in Pointless - Drunkard's Paradise
7 months ago

Addendum to 1.1.4:

Made it so killing Anaconda also allows you to use the Speedwalker’s Cream in Downtown Underground (rather than just encountering Anaconda there). Not sure why it took me so long to realize this was an issue, but better late than never.



Next up

Started working on a thing.

No idea if it's ever going to get finished (it's still mostly concepts at the moment) but I've been playing around with this idea in my head for a while now, so I felt like bringing it up.

Anyways, here's front facing Buckets.

I have no idea why it took me this long to do that first thing.

I did it because the schnoz felt off center.

And also to fix the game breaking bug, that too.

I am never playing Enforcer ever again.

I have been thinking of making this joke for literal months.

It isn't even all that funny.

Watched The French Dispatch a few days ago.

Good movie! I liked it a lot!

Also, I made this abomination because of it.


I was buying a movie ticket during the compression/zipping process so I apologize if I'm blanking on anything.

No idea why I feel like updating this so much lately, but here's some stuff.

Three days.