Hey! Reception for the demo has been really great up until now, so thanks a lot!
So this post is meant to be a list of all known errors in the game, so if you've found an error, feel free to comment what's the problem on this post, I'll try to keep updating it.
Overheat's laughter keeps looping when he appears instead of playing once.
The lowest times on the Level Select can get in the wrong position, displaying an incorrect time on a level.
There's a lot of typos in the Level Select.
The game is literally impossible for colorblind people.
There's no Identifier for where the Office is located in the Diner's Map. (It's here)
You can recharge the Inagis without looking at the computer.
The player's view won't be turned up when killed by a mini in the vent above if you're looking
You can die after you complete a level, this causes a weird bug in wich you'll be immediatelly jumpscared when entering a level.
You can kinda cheese the RuneRacer lowest time by reseting the race after having reached 50000 points.
I actually knew about these errors for quite some time, I just don't have any way to fix them now, so I'm really sorry.
I think that's it for now, once again thanks for all the support!