Red Abominations
7 months ago

addressing the "it's Red from The Oddities Series!"

now im not mad or anything this would be a childish thing to get upset about but i do find it a little annoying i guess? so lets get this clear, this character is not Red, he is Bobby Bilson:


i guess this is a type of character reveal or something but thats not importent, listen please im gonna say this once:

Red Abominations is not a Oddities Fangame, we take inspiration but that doesnt make it a Fangame.

all of the characters are original and not from any other fnati games.

i wouldnt get so worked up about this normally but the thing is me and @Inverted_Minnie are working on this game to make it great and something original, so you can imagine my slight disappointment when someone walks in and just says "Oddities Fangame",

i hope now people wont be confused anymore so i dont have to think about this again, thank you for reading.

now about Bobby Bilson, some of my old followers might remember a long time ago that i made a post showing off a fnati oc i made, here is what he looks like in his non "nightmareish" form:


fun fact: when i showed him off i said i planned on making a game for him, originally i wanted to make a fnat 2 mod but due to issues with modding that game i was unable to and therefor bobby bilson would sit on the shelf collecting dust,

then he almost appeared in Jack's Warehouse: A Red Oddities Mod as the main antagonist, Jack Himself at the time was supposed to take on the role that "The Something" has now, which was being a side character that starts in the same room as bobby bilson,

i ended up changing plans because i thought he was a little over the top, so when i finished Jack's model at the time i made him the main antagonist instead, the reason "The Something" was added to the game was because i didnt want to model another character and it would be much cheaper and easier to just use a free model instead.



Next up

here are some extra facts about bobby bilson i left out when i was talking about why we were removing him,

mostly because i didnt want it to be so long and other stuff.

its stuff like this that makes this whole thing worth it, im not joking, like seriously this makes it all worth it

TRTF 2: Space Time - Update 1.1

Director's Cut - Devlog #2

Heres a fun fact becus i wanted to do this

today I learned that the beast from trtf series is female, I never knew that...

to the people who say trtf 2: space time takes place in space, it does not.

the reason why its called space time is because robots look like they came from space and note that I said look like.

coding minigame rn

no hate to anyone, im glad people actually read my posts. (besides, im guilty of this too)

just wanted to remind you all I have a community, so if you want to be consistently updated on what im doing I recommend you join