2 years ago

Advance #3 Snowdin Shop.


Advance #3 Snowdin Shop.

This is the third trailer for snowdin shop.

In this advance you see a big change unlike advance #2.

The things I added and changed are:

-add 'talk' and 'exit' to the selection (in fact the delay of 3 days was because the selection did not work)

-the option to go to another room and leave that room. (which most likely will fix it because it doesn't convince me).

I ask you for help. If you could share this community to make this project more popular.

If anyone wants to help write it in the comments. I would love it if you would help me find how to select a button with a heart to go to another room.

With that I finish the #3 advance of snowdin shop.


Avance #3 : snowdin shop.

Este es el tercer avance del tema de snowdin shop.

En este avance se ve un gran cambio a diferencia del avance #2 .

Las cosas que añadi y cambie son:

-añadir a la seleccion 'talk' y 'exit' (de hecho la demora de 3 dias fue por que no resultaba la seleccion)

-la opcion de ir a otra room e irse de esa room. (que lo mas probable lo arregle porque no me comvence).

Les pido ayuda. Si pudieran compartir esta comunidad para volver mas polular este proyecto.

Si alguien quiere ayudar escribalo en los comentarios. Me encantaria si me ayudarian a buscar como seleccionar un botton con el corazon para irse a otra room.

Con eso termino el #3 avance de snowdin shop.

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Next up

Advance #1 : Snowdin Shop.

this is how trailer #2 looks on psp



Advance #2 : Snowdin Shop.

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