TERROR Chapter 1: Time to Sleep
7 months ago

After a lot of time of inactivity, I've chosen to close my discord server and open a new one. Join!



Next up

What is it? How did it get here?

The countdown starts now...

As you may already know, Time to Sleep is part of @ShowcaseAtFreddys . Remember to keep yourself updated on the event to see more of what this game has to offer. And with this, see you next time!

Shout-out to @Crimsonware for this epic fanart! Thank you bro!

GAME IS OUT NOW!!!! (Please read below)

New Puppet render + updates on the description

The Rat Cave is Cancelled


Let's talk about the Showcase at Freddy's exclusive (Read article) (logos added by @TheGuyWhoMakeGame)

"What's wrong?" Finally, after a long time, a new teaser, a new song and a new devlog! Read the article to see more

The Fazbear Facility: Prologue Announcement Trailer + Anniversary Devlog