1 year ago

After Hours Progress Devlog : Decemeber 2023

Ho, Ho, Ho! Welcome to a very jolly post! It's not Christmas yet, but I'll be too busy on the day and won't have time to post. It's only been a month, but I've made a lot of good progress! But before we start I just wanna thank everyone who followed my game, I couldn't be here without y'all!

Short Summary:

  • An update on the perks

  • A brand new way to start your nights!

  • A remastered intro cutscene to After-Hours

  • Some exclusive office footage...

Long Summary

Intro :

It's been almost a whole month since my last devlog, but even then I still got a lot of stuff done. I'm proud of everything I've accomplished in 2 months. As you saw last time the perks were just a concept, but now I have some assets done! I think I have all the perk ideas done, but I feel like something is missing. So if you have any ideas, feel free to give your ideas for perks, I'll maybe even pick one and credit you.

An update about the Perks


The last time you saw the perks, they were just a concept. But now, I have some ideas typed out and started making some assets for it! And to those who are worried or are thinking that this system will be overly complicated, don't fret! After each night, you'll earn a certain amount of tokens let's say 100? Anyways, after each night you'll enter my new night selection screen where you'll have the ability to purchase or upgrade your perks! See it's pretty simple once I explain it.


There are three categories of perks. Badge Perks, Watch Perks, and Monitor Perks! There are three in each right now, but that may change. You can understand most of what the perks will do based on reading the basic descriptions I've added. You'll be able to upgrade each perk to level 3 using your tokens. You'll have around 6 nights to fully decide your build. Since you can select one perk in each category, they are more than 30 possible combinations!

A brand new way to start your nights!


This is a very early version, no way close to being done; other than that, this is the way you'll be able to access your nights. After every night is over you'll be brought back to the menu where you'll be able to click the night selection option, which of course means the continue button will be replaced with this one. Along with the night selection, you'll also be able to re-read the animatronics mechanics, in case you ever forget them. But there will be a separate character description in the extras menu. You'll also be able to access all your unlocks, so you don't need to exit out of the night selection every time you unlock something new. These would include the audio logs and the arcade machine games, so make sure to keep a lookout for those during your night! Finally, you'll be able to access your perks, which I've already discussed so we'll just skip over that.

A remastered intro


As you've already seen from the thumbnail, After-Hours has a brand new intro! I wanted this one to feel a look more realistic, with there being police lights and screaming and such. The original one was just a copy of Puffy's intro, so just making this is already an improvement from the original. After this cutscene I'm not sure what should happen, should there be a newspaper or other cutscene, or should I just stick to the original? What I do know is that similar to how some games have done it, i.e. Jollibee's, you'll go through a similar part where you walk around the location before starting the first night. There'll also be some post-night minigames that'll spice up your playing experience.

A brand-new look at the office!


If you couldn't tell, this is the new version of the left side of the office, instead of you just being in a random room you're now instead of a supply closet. I thought it felt more sense for the company to just shove you in an open space instead of having an empty room. With it being an actual door instead of an automatic one, you'll have to manly close it. Which will lead to some freighting experiences during your shift. If you're not quick enough, they'll maybe even be able to stop you from closing the door. I'm still working on the monitor at the moment so there's not a picture or footage of that yet

Feels good to make another post, and keep my word about the monthly post. I'll see you some time next January, be sure to expect an explosive post. And with all that, I'll see you later my burgies.



Next up

"if it aint broke, dont fix it" ahh type of code

John Doe

it’s that time of year again! Anybody else remember? 🤔🙋‍♂️




After Hours - December 2024

After Hours - March 2025

''Could someone be at my window?''
