Those Nights at Jax Justun's 2: Invader Zim Strikes Again!
1 month ago

Afternoon everybody!!! Today's May 24th, 2024, and I have FINALLY, another special announcement for today here!!!! It's for the #2ndThoseNatJJ's game!!!!

Also known as "Those Nights at Jax Justun's 2: Invader Zim Strikes Again!", the second future parody-like fan-made of a game of the "Those Nights at Jax Justun's" series that was release all the way back on April 8th, 2021!!!!! It's now been like FOUR whole years since its original release date, and so far, not much future updates had been announced on this game page since then!!!! Apart from the looking back-ness of the original story!! #OUCH!!!! But now, here we are today!!!! As you may seen by now, I'd added in all EIGHT parody characters of Jax Justun Studios from series three of 2020 inside of the official game page for Those Nights at Jax Justun's 2: Invader Zim Strikes Again and everything!!!!!

I know there wasn't much too it during my moments around that time, but I had no choice to create these things!!! Some of of parody characters are actually from original ideas or just were unused materials/contents and some were actually original and brand new all made from me!!!! I know that you'd already seen all of them, but since then, it's been awhile since I'd shown off these parody characters of Jax Justun Studios from series three!!!

Hopefully though one by one, I'll talk about each of these parody characters for this future parody game only and also talk about why that I'd used them for this future parody game and whatnot!!! Anyways, make sure to always stay tuned for some more updates in the nearest future and have a safe and wonderful day!!!! #TheOldBuilderButtlerGuards!!!!! #InvaderZimStrikesAgain!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!!!!



Next up

The New & Official Logo for #ThoseNatJJs2 - (Created on: May 27th, 2024) Afternoon folks!!!! Look what we have here folks!!!! This an official thing for an official future parody-like horror game!!!!

HHS Cartoon Depiction #16 & #17 (For Niles & SMG0 "Zero") - Both Created on: June 24th, 2024 Afternoon everybody!!!!! Didn't all expect that I'd made something for today huh??? Well I did alright!!! TWO to be exact here!!!!! #YepTwo!!!!!

2020 parody Characters #20 & #21 - The Glruopp Tropp Brothers (Both Created on: February 12th, 2024) Sorry for the late post again folks!!!! I've been sleeping late and late again and everything!!!!

Sugar the Cat

2020 Parody Character #19 - Mr. Shadowface (Created on: February 13th, 2024) Fellow fans of FNAF, SCP, Superhero Movies and TV Shows, and many other Horror Game places, we have given you guys yet another Legacy Parody Character of Jax Justun Studios!!!!!!

Witness the beginning.

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HHS Parody Character Cartoon Poster #9 - (Created on: June 20th, 2024) It's yet again another day of me creating yet another #HHSparodyCharacter #CartoonPoster!!!!! Today's also June 20th, 2024, and we finally got what had wanted!!!!!

ThoseNatJJ's 2 (All Parody Characters from Series Three/2020) - Created on: June 6th, 2024 Afternoon folks!!!! Here we are again folks, yet another of these posters here!!!!!

Announcing the Lost In Isolation FNaF Game Jam

The GameJam Starts Friday (submit games below)

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Hosted by @PlentyXD

Help from @hunterallen_ and me

Art by @Funkilicous and Yellw.00f

2024 Recalled HHS Parody Character #6 - Zeathe "Zhetth" (Created on: June 20th, 2024) After days of waiting, the #6th and highly anticipated #RecalledHHSPC's finally here!!!! In all of his beloved and sexy glory-ness of course!!!!!