3 years ago

Agradecimiento a scott cawthon... / Thanks to scott cawthon...

no se como agradecer todo lo que has hecho por mi pero... gracias Scott Cawthon. todavia recuerdo ser ese adolescente de 14 años triste por lo que sufria en la vida que se conectaba en su computadora a jugar fnaf.... los secretos y la historia casi oculta que tenia, me hizo darme cuenta del gran mundo que era la programación de videojuegos... como algo tan simple como ver camaras, cerrar puertas y ponerte una mascara se convertia en algo muy divertido y tenebroso a la vez... como la vida se sentia vida otra vez... luego en FNAF 3 al conocer tu historia me di cuenta de la maravillosa persona que eras scott... como contaste tu historia y apesar de tus fracasos anteriores no te rendiste y triunfaste... como me senti identificado con parte de tu historia... como me inspiraste a contar mis historias a traves de videojuegos... de que existen mejores metodos para desahogar lo malo de la vida... que aun tenia esperanza aunque yo no la veia en esa epoca... espero en un futuro... crear mis propios fangames de fnaf... ya tengo las historias pero falta lo demas... porque aunque no este en fazbear fanverse o cosas asi.... seria mi carta de agradecimiento a ti... me inspiraste a ser la mejor versión de mi y con tus proyectos me hiciste encontrar mi vocación. Gracias Scott Cawthon... por ayudarme a ser SpeedingGames44


I don't know how to thank you for everything you have done for me but... thank you Scott Cawthon.

I still remember being that 14-year-old teenager sad because of what he suffered in life that he connected on his computer to play fnaf... the secrets and the almost hidden history that he had, made me realize the great world that programming was videogames... how something as simple as watching cameras, closing doors and putting on a mask became something very fun and dark at the same time... how life felt like life again... then in FNAF 3 when you met your story I realized the wonderful person you were Scott... how you told your story and despite your previous failures you did not give up and you succeeded... how I felt identified with part of your story... how you inspired me to tell my stories through video games... that there are better methods to vent the bad things in life... that I still had hope even though I didn't see it at that time...

I hope in the future... create my own fnaf fangames ... I already have the stories but the rest is missing... because even if I'm not in fazbear fanverse or things like that... it would be my thank you letter to you... You inspired me to be the best version of myself and with your projects you made me find my vocation.

Thanks Scott Cawthon ... for helping me be SpeedingGames44



Next up

Mas mejora grafica / More graphic improvement

FlappyTale Ultimate - Teaser Trailer

¿Does anyone in this group know how to make 3d models? is for a project related to adventures

The SpeedingGames44 server is now open, with channels in English and Spanish!

where they can put memes, see progress, see direct and also report errors and bugs of the projects. https://discord.gg/V5HzhFPPgY



Los Enemigos... / The Foes...

FlappyTale Ultimate - Discord Server

If you want to talk or make a recommendation about the project, even post memes or comment on any bug or error you found, you can do it on this server dedicated to my projects. https://discord.gg/V5HzhFPPgY

Did you know that today is #InternationalJazzDay? 🎷😎

No? 😯 Well, we couldn't pass up this date!

And what better to celebrate this day than #Pecaminosa #OST? 🎷

Let us know what you think about it and have a great weekend!

Shadow The Hedgehog X pixel art