Epic Prose Special Edition
7 years ago

Ai will be in the works!

I decided to start working on the Ai before adding dungeons, Ai is supposed to be a big focus on the development of this game, so I’m done putting it off! I’ve done a lot of research and I’m ready to get to work!
I think I settled on an emotional matrix that allows for 25 different emotions, I will probably also have to have personality factors as well, I’ve been looking into Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), true colours and just using a list of virtues, I think I might go with the latter, not sure.
For English after a lot of searching I found a version of English meant for ESL, Ogden’s Basic English, that is comprised of only 850 words! I’m going to try to decrease it further.
After I have simple input and output working, then I will have to change the output to add in dialects and nuances that will make the characters come to life!
It’s a lot of work ahead of me, but the results will be well worth it!



Next up

here's a #screenshotsaturday of my latest game for #horrorjam2020 Vampire Dystopia!

Working on a new map of Epica

Hey it's time to vote! Vote for Vampire Dystopia for horrorjam2020!!!

So a great artist and friend pointed out all the ways my title page sucks and helped to redesign it. I'm quite happy with the results :) #horrorjam2020 #horror #2dshooter #survival #vampires #madewithunity

New map!

Having a little fun during development of #VampireDystopia for #horrorjam2020

I redid the title page and adjusted Ai behaviours! #HorrorJam2020 #Vampire #2d #shooter #survival #horror

Hey it's time to vote! Vote for Vampire Dystopia for horrorjam2020!!!

I just uploaded a new version of Space Survival. It's got a great retro arcade space shooter feel but with a modern update for graphics!