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I've been creating animations for my characters, I have walk cycle done for one character.. lots of animations to make :S

I also need to make an interior for my cabin, Then the art will be mostly finished!

#VampireDystopia #horrorjam2020 #logicandchaos

I added in the day/night cycle today, was pretty easy to set up. Also was working on an animation system, not so easy to set up :S
#logicandchaos #VampireDystopia #horrorjam2020 #horror #shooter

I setup a great action system! It's simple and extendable. It's like event driven fuzzy pattern matching. I took a lot from this talk:
#horrorjam2020 #shooter #horror #surivival #logicandchaos


When my vampires get knocked down they get up again!
#horrorjam2020 #horror #shooter #survival #logicandchaos #vampire #vampireDystopia #2d