Iapere02's Roundup Night
3 years ago

aight im doing this again

Omega Toy Maxwell - Skin for Toy Maxwell

Iapere02 Plush - Skin for Paper Iapere02

Toy Darren - Skin for Darren

Pyro02 (Team Scratchress 2) - Skin for Iapere02

Phantom Iapere02 - Skin for Lifeless Iapere02

Abandoned Iapere02 - Skin for Iapere02.exe (remastered exclusive)

Sans Costumed Maxwell - Skin for Maxwell (no shit)

Papyrus Costumed Darren - Skin for Darren (again no shit)

Ghost Costumed Iapere02 - Skin for Iapere02 (third times the no shit)

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Next up

so i made mm+ vectors but i just decided last minute these will never be public for so many reasons

if you want these for whatever reason then fucketh yon

but here have a snippet of greenlit toy mario

I do not care for local 58

Scrapped Weezer Blue Album Design

(I really tried the best I can on Sketches Mobile)

okay but real talk tpot 11 was kind of mid i wont lie

god fucking damn it he’s on gamejolt now

if he’s following you block him, I genuinely don’t even know the bullshit with him anymore maybe ask @/BenjiroBoi or someone else about all I know now is that he’s a manchild

#SaveTF2 #FixTF2

I don’t even play this game yet I love it with all my heart and soul

That’s how important this game is

honest to god i have no idea what im making

its not a game, its something you will have to watch 900 videos to understand

im not joking

if you recognize the 2nd guy i salute you btw but chances are you dont

I left after this

in all honesty I am not surprised that he got fuckin nuked by discord for a day


Looks like we need to do this again.