3 years ago

Double Rainbow!!!



Next up

Gonna have to throw the book at @MattiGSMP for this underground Lapis ring we discovered- #gsmp

I made an avatar frame and it just got approved! It's in this store that I apparently have! Really hits that minimalist/digital/grid vibe I was looking for! Go check it out for yourself!

It’s both cute and intimidating to wake up to a miniature tiger staring at you from your armpit-

The Anime you didn't know you needed! 🤣

The amount of contraband we found on @MattiGSMP was unreal- totally unbiased court case to follow- #gsmp

Will always love Song Of Storms no matter what version

Please let me sleep more! 😫

The Great Tree 2.0 - (still under renovations) (SMP Opening Soon)

Vah ruta (Breath of the Wild)
