I am pretty sorry that progress in this game project is pretty slowed down since February since my schedules starting from that time is pretty messy (and btw I am not good in managing my time), spending the majority of it browsing Reddit and chit-chat. This is just one of the reasons, the other reason is my computer sometimes have problems with many of the assets that I uses to make this game, since the specs of this computer is far inferior compared to the recommended specs of a PC used for gaming and game dev. I tried to pester my parents to get me one for my game dev needs, but they just refuse since a PC like that is too expensive, and since the pandemic they often being laid off by their company, their salary is not enough to afford what I actually want and they have blew most of it on a gaming PC... FOR MY BROTHER!! (Zamn, they just baby him because he is in college and (probably) he still being faithful to the faith of Buddhism, unlike me who already become agnostic at the turn of puberty)
Anyway, I have done the sprites of the MCs of Genkaroku, along with the title and splash screen graphics (albeit the splash screen design would need 2nd pass, and so is the title screen (probably)).
If I can buy myself some time during the mid-term exam revision that I am currently going through, I will prepare the 2nd splash screen graphic (content warning screen), as well as the basic layout for some of the tiles of the very first maps in Genkaroku and a CSV file containing (almost) all of the text found in-game (the last idea came from Driller of Drillmation Systems, my "accomplice" in my game dev journey).
Anyway, stay safe during the (now-hidden) pandemic and may God bless you and me.
Akira Akagi Games